
My name is Yury Berengard. In far 1967, having graduated the Moscow automobile-and-road construction institute on the speciality "Hydrodrive and Hydropneumoautomatics ", I have come as young expert to All-Union scientific research institute of building and road construction engineering. To me has carried: I at once have got in a department of mathematical methods of researches and computer facilities and began to work on a joint of my basic specialty and applied mathematics. In parallel with work I continued study and in 1971 have graduated mechanical-and-mathematical faculty of the Moscow University. From 1974 during 16 with superfluous years I with pleasure and hobby was engaged in development of algorithms and programs for the computer-aided analysis and simulation of systems of drives.
As a result universal algorithms and programs of dynamic analysis and static calculation of hydro volumetric and hydro mechanical drives of arbitrary structure have been developed. These programs have found wide application at designing building and road construction machines, with their help various variants of drives and transmissions of mobile machines have been investigated and developed. The saved up material has found reflection in two monographs, various articles, reports and manuals. The thesis for a candidate's degree has been protected (1979) and the thesis for a doctor's degree has been prepared (1989) by me.
The experience received by me would be impossible without participation of my colleagues and teachers, at whom I very much have learned muchand first of all – Michael M. Gaitsgori, Rafael М. Pasynkov and Lev B. Zaretsky unfortunately already died. Special gratitude for the constant help and support I wish to express to my supervisor of studies Eugenie Y. Malinovsky rendered on me huge human and professional influence.
In 2001 I have started to be engaged in creation of educational sites. First the sites on the elementary mathematics for the senior schoolboys and entrants www.bymath.net (Russian, 2004) and www.bymath.com (English, 2002) which enjoy the big popularity have been made.
Now there has come turn of students and post-graduate students. Two versions of the site on the applied and engineering mathematics www.simumath.net (Russian) and www.simumath.com (English) are offered your attention. The first part of the site "Applied mathematics" contains the numerical methods most applied in an engineering practice. In the section "Partial Differential Equations" my works have found reflection at research of hydro dynamical processes in axial-piston pumps and pipelines with a liquid (in examples of numerical solution of the elliptic and hyperbolic partial differential equations). The second and third parts of the site ("Engineering Mathematics" and "Analysis and Design") consist completely of my works on simulation and computer-aided design of hydraulic and mechanical drives and transmissions and control systems.
Content and structure of the site -
Yury Berengard
Design, the interface and programming -
Sergey Berengard